Medicare Advantage Beneficiaries Want To See Program Strengthened and Protected
Medicare Advantage Beneficiaries Value Their Plans

88% of Medicare Advantage (MA) beneficiaries nationwide feel favorably towards MA
77% describe their coverage as high-quality
88% believe that their plans will protect them from the majority of medical costs in an emergency
Comprehensive coverage (61%) and affordability (50%) drive beneficiaries’ satisfaction with MA
Nearly all Medicare Advantage beneficiaries (95%) are likely to continue enrolling in a MA plan next year
90% of Medicare Advantage Beneficiaries
Are Concerned About Medicare’s Future
Medicare Advantage Beneficiaries Want
to See Their Plans Protected
of Medicare Advantage beneficiaries would be less likely to vote for a Member of Congress who supported cutting funding for MA
Based on a public poll of 4,000 total respondents, commissioned by the Medicare Advantage Majority in October, 2024.